How to Inspire Children to Enter STEM Industries
As the World’s population is increasing at an unpreceded pace, advancement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) is critical to ensure food, water, clothing, access to medical treatment, quality of life, and adequate housing for everyone. Unfortunately, too few young (wo)men choose a STEM field in college. In my opinion, the reason is a lack of sufficient early exposure to these fields. Here, I provide ideas from own and my former students’ common experiences. We all have been inspired for our field in childhood by adults. Best, the majority of them weren’t STEM teachers and weren’t in this field.
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Create Interest in STEM with Your Activities
We all know the importance of education. Education is not like uploading a software or information. It’s an ongoing process that starts in early childhood, and continues into adulthood. As parents, grandparents, coaches, and educators